An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUH & Approved by AICTE
An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUH & Approved by AICTE
An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUH & Approved by AICTE
As approved by the Examination Committee, the End Examinations for all semesters in all Programmes are commenced as per the schedule. However, in case of any emergency or whatsoever the case may be, the Chairman of the Examination Committee is empowered with the right to cancel/reschedule any examination.
Setting Question Paper
Examiners for lab external examinations and evaluators for the end examinations are invited from the select nodal colleges and the prestigious universities. Question paper for the end examinations is usually prepared by the expert faculty with at least three years of experience at a university level and a year of experience in teaching the course for which appointment is made. The practical examiner deputed from the Industry/ Organization/ Field is expected to have at least two years of professional experience in the concerned field. Professor/ Associate Professor of the select university to prepare the question papers for end examinations, is requested to prepare the scheme of evaluation and guidelines for examiners for distribution of marks for each question. In case of numerical problems, solution of the problems with distribution of marks for different stages is given in the scheme of awarding marks.
Evaluation of Answer Script
Examiners for lab external examinations and evaluators for the end examinations are invited from the select nodal colleges and the prestigious universities. Question paper for the end examinations is usually prepared by the expert faculty with at least three years of experience at a university level and a year of experience in teaching the course for which appointment is made. The practical examiner deputed from the Industry/ Organization/ Field is expected to have at least two years of professional experience in the concerned field. Professor/ Associate Professor of the select university to prepare the question papers for end examinations, is requested to prepare the scheme of evaluation and guidelines for examiners for distribution of marks for each question. In case of numerical problems, solution of the problems with distribution of marks for different stages is given in the scheme of awarding marks.
In order to make evaluation system perfect and do justice to all the students, “Double valuation” system is introduced. According to this procedure each theory paper of end-semester examination will be evaluated independently by internal examiner and external examiner. The first valuation of the answer scripts is done by the internal faculty, teaching the subject. The second evaluation is done by faculty outside the college. These examiners will award the marks on different cloud format of award lists, not by marking anything with a pen on the answer booklets. These two award lists will be compared by the Controller of Examinations and if the difference between these two valuations is within the prescribed limits, the Average of both will be awarded to the student. And, If the difference in between the two evaluations is beyond the prescribed limit, such answer scripts will be sent to another examiner, with which the marks gained by the student in the Average of nearest two valuations are considered final. The above examination procedure, makes the foolproof examination and justified evaluation.